Want to learn to sew?

If you are one of those women who have always wanted to learn to sew, then here is your opportunity! Sandy Wilkerson will be teaching two classes on learning to sew on Friday, July 6th and Friday, August 3rd. This class will meet in Room 101 of the Worship Center.

This is a Beginners' class and you will be making simple window curtains. You will need fabric, thread, measuring tape, scissors, seam ripper and a Sewing Machine if you have one. If you do not have a sewing machine, that is not a problem. 


Flower Making Class - Tuesday, July 10th

Have you seen all these new flowers that are popping up all around?  Seen how to clip them on your purses or your clothing?  And how cute these are?  In all colors and shapes and sizes?

Well, we are going to show you how to make these flowers and let you make some to take home as well!

We will be making many different kinds of flowers and these are just a few. We will use different types of fabric and ribbon and colors and you can make your own.

We ask that you bring a good pair of fabric scissors to cut with, and we will supply the rest!  Twill be fun to see all the many different types of flowers you can make...I'll be sharing more as we get closer to the time to make our flowers.

Sign up for the morning (10:00am) or the evening (7:00pm) class on July 10th at Humble  First Assembly of God Church. Please sign up at the Women's Ministries table in the foyer of the worship center or by emailing us at
humblewms@gmail.com and let us know which class you would like.