The Annual Kick-Off for Women's Ministries!
This year is starting off with a Pot Blessing breakfast on Saturday, January 21st at 9am in the Green Room of the Family Life Center.
Let us share with you the plans God has shown us for the women of Humble First Assembly for the year of 2012. We will begin the year with a message from Barbara Maddox sharing what God has shown her and also much more. We will enjoy fellowship, food and more. And of course, Door Prizes!
For the Pot Blessing Breakfast, by last name, please bring:
A - F Egg Dish
G - L Breakfast meat such as ham, bacon, sausage, or kolache
M - R Muffins, doughnuts, bagels, biscuits
S - Z Fruit, yogurt or fruit salad
Please bring enough to serve 12 ladies. We will provide coffee and juice.
Sign up at the Women's Ministries table in the foyer of the Worship Center to ensure we have your gift for you.
We look forward to seeing you on January 21st!