Running toward the Holidays

With the holidays quickly approaching, we are offering some great ideas for you to help in your frantic search for that perfect ??? for your holiday party. Or that special ??? for your tree. And what about that delicious ??? for the dinner on Friday. 

So make sure you sign up to come to the "Running toward the Holidays" event that we have planned for every Tuesday evening in October.  At 6:45, we will meet in the Green Room of the Family Life Center and share with you some exciting tips and tricks and things you can use to make the holidays sweeter, prettier, tastier and sure to please all your guests and family.

There is no cost, but we would like for you to sign up so we can have enough material for everyone. You will receive a notebook with all the information we will be sharing throughout the event. And at the end....a special holiday party! 

What's stopping you?  Send us an email to or sign up at the Women's Ministries table in the foyer of the Worship Center to save your place at the table. You don't want to miss this event! 

Love Covers

Always wanted to quilt but didn't know where to start? Join us on

Friday, October 14th, 6:30pm
  Worship Center in Room 102

Come and start a quilt with us! We are making Love Covers, quilts to give to our growing new babies and quilts to share with those who are going through cancer treatment or other illnesses and also quilts for senior adults who are living in nursing homes. We help you get started and even provide the fabric or you can bring your own. We will take you step by step as you make these Love Covers to bring comfort to others and show our love to them. Look for our October class to begin your quilt.

October Class will be giving instructions and patterns for Strip Quilting.
November Class will be Beginning Sewing with Sandy Wilkerson.
Contact Laquetta Freeman at 281-446-1036 if you have any questions.

Ladies Retreat in Kerrville